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woensdag, juli 11, 2012

Tristan Bloemen performing strong at JWOC

After winning the sprint distance at EYOC Tristan Bloemen is again performing strong at JWOC. The first race in Kosice (Slovakia) was also a sprint competition. Bloemen impressed with a 12th position. Also some other Belgian runners finished in the top 60 (= A-final): Julien Gillet (34), Evert Leeuws (56), Michael Van Baelen (60) and also Fanny Tilkin (50) in womens class.

Results sprint
Map sprint
On the photo we see Tristan Bloemen in action at EYOC. He commented about his race: 12th on the JWOC sprint, nice! A really fast race, even a bit too easy.

In the long distance race no one succeeded to finish in the top60 in a very nice and technical course. Evert Leeuws finished close with a 65th position, 3 minutes too slow for an A-final.

Results long
Map long

Michael Van Baelen: during this long distance race, i felt physically better than ever. I really felt great druing the whole race. Pitty that i make so many mistakes. Top20 was possible today.

During todays middle distance race, Tristan Bloemen was again the star of the team. He was the only one who made it to the (A)finals. He finished 9th in heat B, only 1.08 slower than the winner, Eskil Kinneberg.

Results middle qual
Map middle qual

Tristan Bloemen about his race: really satisfied with my middle qualification race, in M20B. I managed to get 9th with 26.08, on a course of 4.3km with 135m of climb! Made only two mistakes (controls 1 and 6). In total i lost 1 minute.

The Belgian team at the JWOC opening ceremony (photo taken by Tomáš Drenčák).

We willen jullie ook het verslag van de ploeg ter plaatse niet onthouden. Hierin staan ook de ploegen voor de aflossing reeds vermeld:

De sprint was technisch echt ongelooflijk gemakkelijk. De resultaten geven de intrinsieke snelheid weer van de atleten. Heel sterke prestatie dus van Tristan Bloemen maar ook van 800m loper Julien Gillet. Al viel hij wel wat stil tegen het einde van de wedstrijd. Ook eerstejaars junior Evert haalt nipt een A-finale. Michael was 5 seconden trager en kaapte de laatste top60 klassering weg.

De lang bleek voor velen té lang. De 2 Thomassen misten veel en jogden hun wedtrijd uit. Ook Tristan maakte te veel fouten, jogde de rest van de wedstrijd en vergat daarboven de drankpost te knippen. Evert liep weer een zeer degelijke wedstrijd en eindigt net buiten de A-finale. Waar de eerste 4 zonnig weer hadden, kregen de 2 laatsten een hevig onweer op hun dak. Julien Gillet moest te lang zoeken naar post 8, kreeg het koud en gaf uiteindelijk op. Van Baelen spreekt zelf van de beste benen ooit maar mist meer posten dan hij er 'gespiked' heeft. Meer dan 10' aan fouten, de vele haperingen en kleine correcties niet inbegrepen.

Middle Q: Uren en uren aan kaartstudies werden bij 1 blik op de kaart teniet gedaan. Vele bospercelen waren gekapt en ondertussen ontstond er ook een serieuse laag onderbegroeiing. Zelfs het reliëf was compleet veranderd door enkele jaren erosie. Over de middel kunnen we
heel kort zijn, deze bleek te moeilijk voor de Belgische atleten. 4 van onze jongens zagen hun kansen op een A-finale reeds in rook opgaan aan post 1. Halverwege blijven nog 2 atleten over: Tristan en Michaël (respectievelijk op plaats 13 en 14). Daar waar Tristan zijn knappe prestatie verderzet, begint Michaël post na post te missen en eindigt hij op een matige 33e plek (top20 kwalificeert zich voor de A-finale).

Morgen vindt de finale plaats met enkel Tristan die nog een mooie plek uit de brand kan slepen. Als het dit jaar niet is, dan zal het record van Fabien (18e) er volgend jaar wel aan moeten geloven. De rest van de atleten focust zich op de aflossing, waarvan de ploegen reeds bekend zijn.
Ploeg 1: Tristan Bloemen,  Evert Leeuws, Michaël Van Baelen
Ploeg 2: Julien Gillet, Thomas Goubau, Thomas Gillet

dinsdag, juli 03, 2012

Belgium 3-days: Fedatsenka and Fabré

Last weekend a very important sportscompetition took place next to Liège. We are not talking about  'le tour de France', but an even more prestigious event: the Belgium 3-days! This multiday event started with a WRE long distance race in Wéris.

In class H21E the big favourit, Fabien Pasquasy, showed that he's still the best Belgian orienteer in this kind of terrain. The race with steep hills was physical demanding, but it was also important to read the map carefully (for sure with the little symbols and 1/15.000 mapscale). Pasquasy took the victory with a 1h21 besttime. The other favourit Yannick Michiels came in with the 2nd besttime, but he punched a wrong control (at ctrl 19). So he got disqualified at his last Belgian race before leaving for WUOC and WOC.
Good old Michel Bastin (almost H35) showed that it's dangerous to not mention him among the favourits or outsiders in a preview on this website. He did a solid performance and his pace was good enough to finish in 2nd position. He even sprained his ankle towards the 5th control, but he showed some 'grinta' and completed the whole course. It was Joost Talloen who took the bronze medal ahead of Fedatsenka (4th), T. Hendrickx (5th) and Peeters (6th).

Results day 1
Map day 1 (H21E - D. Franssen)

At the 2nd stage, no one of the top-2 was present. At this middle distance event, Fedatsenka found his favourit terrain. His powerful legs were perfect for these steep hills and stony underground. He won this stage ahead of the Estonian runner Olle Karner and the Belgian athlete Tomas Hendrickx. These 3 runners will al be present at WOC 2012 representing 3 different countries.

Results day 2
Map day 2 (H21E - D. Franssen)

The 3rd stage was again a long distance race. Again we had a different winner in H21E. Thomas van der Kleij had been sick last week and couldn't finish the 1st stage. But day by day, he was getting stronger and proved this during etappe 3. He won almost 4 minutes ahead of Sergey Fedatsenka and even 8 minutes ahead of Hendrickx.

Results day 3
Map day 3 (not elite!)

In the total ranking only 5 runners completed this tough Belgium 3-days with on the podium: Sergey Fedatsenka (1st), Tomas Hendrickx (2nd) and Ken Peeters (3rd).

Final ranking
Aline hermans into the finish at the 3rd stage of the Belgium 3-days

In class D21E Miek Fabré didn't give any presents to her opponents. She won every single stage and ofcourse she also won the total ranking. Greet Oeyen secured her 2nd spot during the last stage and won the silver medal. Aline Hermans completed the podium in this class.

International competitions:
At the moment 4 Belgian runners are competing at the world university champs in Alicante (Spain). Today they ran the long distance race and Yannick Michiels became 46th, Jeremy Genar 73th and Adriaan Pelckmans didn't punch all controls (results - map). Tomorrow they will compete in a technical and hilly sprint race (startlist).
Last but not least: Jeroen Hoekx and Benjamin Anciaux are discovering the Finnish terrains (woc 2013). They are participating at a high level competition in H21E (results - map day1) during the Kainuun Rastiviikko 2012. These races are only 30km away from WOC2013 area.